Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tick Season!

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Most people don't know that tick season can be at different times of the year depending where you live. Because some of us travel to several areas on a regular basis dragging our beloved pets with us, it is important to protect the pets from ticks. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea to use a preventive on cats and dogs as they are concerned about the side-effects and what will happen years from now because you protected you pet.

Ask your veterinarian about the products on the market now if you are not sure. Some pet insurance may help pay for these items. One vet in a state I spend a lot of time in promotes one product, while a vet in another area sells something else. Everyone has to choose what will work for them. If you are in an area such as Dixie County in Florida where there is a lot of tall grass, and it seems it is always hunting season, you will be able to find some kind of tick year round.

Colder climates seem to be spared at times. The woods of North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Europe, etc. will have ticks on a regular basis. If you live in the woods and have pets, protect them! Grooming on a regular basis is important. We have had to remove ticks when we least expected a dog had one. In addition to professional grooming pets need to be brushed daily. If you don't think it is important for your pet, think about yourself. If you dog or cat has ticks (or fleas) you will too!

If you have a pet you think has been bitten by a tick, and the pet seems ill, get it to the veterinarian. What would you look for? I could list a host of things, but to keep it simple-if a pet suddenly seems tired, doesn't eat, isn't urinating, or doesn't play with a favorite toy, you should suspect something is wrong. Pets can't tell you what they feel, but don't wait more than a day if something does not seem right. I don't like paying vet bills either (another reason to have pet insurance?) but I am not the expert when it comes to such things, so I do go when it is this important.

All photos on this blog  belong to Pat Anthony.

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1 comment:

  1. Very useful information on ticks in cats, dogs and puppies. Thanks for posting.
