Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to Make a Difference With $25.00

Photo property of T. Spirko

Although most of us would like to donate money to charity, we may feel we don't have enough money to make a difference. I learned about a group that helps us make the difference with $25. The name of this group Kiva

You will need access to the Internet, a credit card, or Pay Pal account, and an interest in making a difference.

This group was mentioned on Oprah some time ago. Curious to see exactly what they did, I checked their website at This site lists Kiva’s mission as follows: Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.' Your first step should be to visit their site.

Once you learn about Kiva's micro-lending plan, you may feel encouraged to lend a small amount of money. I started with $25. The money was loaned, along with money from other members, to a woman who was starting a business that would help her escape poverty. You will actually see pictures of people making requests, and read information about their business plan. So your second step could be to donate/lend this small amount to the person of your choice.

Kiva will stay in contact with you, letting you know how the person you chose is doing with the repayment of the loan that was given. In a short time the first loan I was involved with was repaid. At this point, you may ask that your money be returned to you. My next step was to lend the same $25 to another person. As you can see, the same $25 may be used many times to help people gain independence, and support their families.

This is something that takes just a few minutes of your time, and will amazingly help more people than you ever imagined. Your next step now may be to share this information with others who would like to know they can make a difference.

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