Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to Add Healthy Food to Your Menu

Have you ever thought about salsa as a health food? Read the labels of several salsa jars, and you will see most contain merely vegetables! Some consider tomatoes to be a fruit, so maybe the most popular salsas are made with fruits, (tomatoes) and veggies.

Wondering how to enjoy salsa without eating 500 calories worth of chips? Try dipping celery, and other vegetables you like in the salsa. Salsa can also be used on chicken instead of adding BBQ sauce, which is often full of sugar.

Salsa is a nice side with salads instead of using fat and sugar filled dressings.

Try it! You might like it.

Cooked tomatoes have been credited with the ability to reduce inflammation. The medical community feels inflammation may be linked to heart disease, and many other disorders.

Not a big fan of salsa? What about tomato sauce? If you like spaghetti, or other pasta dishes with tomato sauce, you are off to a healthy start without much effort. Amazing how food can be our medicine.

Today's The Day!

Today is the only day we have. You know this. Do something special with the day. Think about yourself for 5 minutes before each meal. Think about yourself for 2 minutes before you begin a task for others. The whole point is to think about what you are doing. So many of us just walk through life like we don’t have a life going on…we do not focus on self..and before we realize it, the day is gone.

Tomorrow isn’t here, so don’t give it too much thought. Know what you are doing for you today, and be sure you are giving yourself the credit and attention you need and deserve. If you do not take care of yourself, you may not be able to do for others.

Think, think, think, before you end your day. Consider how much you have accomplished, and don’t give too much weight to what did not get done. Just breathe.

If you made another person smile, helped someone with just a kind word, given a moment of your time, you’ve had a good day! Don’t forget to give yourself a little credit for the today, and go to sleep with a smile on your face.